Community Development
Past projects in community development included all elements of grant funding research and administration of programs/services, infrastructure improvements and upgrades. When implemented, those projects enhanced the quality of life and the environment of our members’ communities.
- ARa secured federal, state and local funding for community development projects.
- ARa assisted in the direct management and administration of CDBG entitlement programs.
The following is a list of the projects or programs that ARa helped administer through CDBG entitlement funding:
- Consolidated Plan Development
- Action Plan Development
- Comprehensive Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
- Housing Rehabilitation Homeowner and Flood Housing Rehab
- Sidewalk and Ramp Improvements
- Special Flood Allocation
- Transitional Housing
- Multi Site Rental Rehabilitation
- Columbus Child Care Center
ARa assisted with securing and/or administering planning studies for community development initiatives. ARa has helped secure funding for and/or facilitated in the development of 5-year Park Master Plans, CDBG Consolidated and Annual Action Plans, Comprehensive Plans, Utility Plans, and Downtown Plans.
Downtown Development
Past projects aimed to improve the infrastructure and organizational capacity of downtowns include:
- The formation and organizational development of Main Street organizations
- Development of downtown loan pools
- Downtown infrastructure improvement
- Facade renovation and historic preservation
- Streetscape update including street lights, sidewalks, pavers, etc.
Economic Development
Our range of experience includes the general administration and negotiation of economic and industrial development incentives involving loans to private developers for acquisition of equipment, or construction, or both. ARa:
- Provides technical assistance on economic development projects leveraging federal and state grants with local incentive
- Works to retain or create jobs and facilitate local business investment in member communities
- Writes and/or manages federal and state grants applications for public infrastructure improvements that directly support new or growing industries
- Assists local businesses in obtaining grants for capital improvements and training funds
- Works with Lawrenceburg Economic Development Grant Program
- Develops and manages Economic Development Loan Programs